Pearl Powder Usage & recipes

Pearlcium Pearl powder is best when taken internally as well as applied externally. This inside/outside approach ensures its fullest potential and greatest benefits.  Here is how. 

Directions: Take 500-1000 mg 1-2 scoops (small provided spoon) in the morning and 500-1000 mg again in the evening. I normally take it the first thing in the morning, before my meal. Then again in the evening, I take it 30 minutes before I go to bed. More nutrients will be absorbed into the body if you take it  on an empty stomach. NOTE: Taking with a magnesium supplement may assist with distribution and assimilation.

Pearl beauty cream is something every woman (and, yes, most men!!) should have. It can add that iridescent youthful glow to your skin and reduce aging appearance by years!  You will feel young and beautiful again, and look that part as well! Indeed, it’s a marvelous indulgence with real benefit. You’ll love it!

Making your own pearl beauty cream is so simple and easy, too. You can create your own pearl beauty cream that is perfect for you for very little expense. You can do it right now, in your kitchen or bathroom. Use your intuition and creativity, and follow your feelings!

One of the easiest ways to make your own pearl beauty cream is to simply add pearl powder into your favorite facial cream or lotion. The addition of a few dollars worth of pearl powder into your current facial cream can improve its beauty enhancing value many, many times over.

Directions: Take your favorite facial cream or lotion and add 500 mg to 2000 mg (that is 1 to 4 scoops) per ounce.  Mix thoroughly with a small spoon or your finger. Then use as you always have, but expecting more.

Pearl moisturizer can do wonders for your dry skin. It can also stimulate new collagen and elastin growth, helping repair the skin's own moisture retention ability and slow the progression and deepening of wrinkles.

I love to make my own pearl moisturizer with fresh ingredients right from my garden or kitchen. Feeding your skin with fresh "food" is simply fantastic, and can give you results that are as good as it feels! You may want to make your formula with favorite foods/fruits/flowers/etc that you love. Great, and don't be shy about it!  When it comes to mixing it up with pearl, you really can't go wrong.  Here, I want to share a simple recipe with you.       

1 tablespoon of Aloe vera juice

500 to 2000 mg pearl powder

Directions: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly together until smooth and well-blended, and apply as desired. This recipe is so simple, yet so effective. You will love the immediate feeling of "happiness" in your skin. It is deeply refreshing, and helps erase and reduce signs of aging, sun spots, while.

1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

As you please, treat yourself occasionally to pearl mask. Your skin will be so thankful for this royal treatment and nectar of nourishment. It will have your skin looking simply radiant, and it feels amazing.


1 tablespoon avocado

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon honey

500 to 2000 mg pearl powder (1 – 4 scoops)

Directions: Combine all the ingredients in a small container. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to your washed face, neck and any other body area. Massage into your skin using your fingers. Relax, and let it  linger in place for 25-60 minutes, longer is lovely. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. 

You can easily pat or brush pearl powder directly on your skin. This simple treatment can do more than cover up the imperfections, it also adds a nice sheen to your skin while nourishing it and stimulating new skin growth. When you topically apply quality pearl powder, you'll quickly know your skin loves this pampering. You'll notice that it instantly "melts" into your skin and gives it a shimmering, rich, and lively look. Your skin will feel silky to touch. Many Asian women passionately covet pearl powder foundation, as it makes their skin look whiter, flawless and more radiant.

Acne and Rashes

Pearl has been reported to be effective in allaying acne, banishing blemishes, and soothing sores and rashes.

For best results:  Take 500 to 1000 milligrams internally (1 to 2 scoops) twice daily on an empty stomach (30 min prior or 2 hours after eating).

Plus, with clean hands, place ½ scoop in the palm of your hand, and add a very small amount of water (4-6 droplets) until you make a paste.  Apply this paste to all affected areas.  Sleep sweet and in the morning rinse upon rising with warm water.

Treating your teeth to pearl powder is a smart move.

It has been recognized in many cultures for supporting stronger, whiter teeth. Now you can tune-up your teeth, too, just like the royals, but with an even better pearl product!

Simply put your toothpaste on your toothbrush like you normally do, then sprinkle pearl powder on top of your toothpaste or dip your toothpaste in the pearl powder. Now you can brush your way to a healthier, brighter smile. Show me your pearl whites, sure takes on a whole new meaning when you do this!


Pearl provides you calcium, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, and about 26 essential trace minerals. It is interesting to know that these same constituents are also crucial components of human fluids, connective tissues, and bones. They participate in building the structure of your very cells; repairing your tissues; forming antibodies to protect you against invading bacteria, viruses, and developing cancer cells; and helping slow down the aging process. These constituents also play an essential role in the function of your heart, brain and nerve system — from turning on and regulating heart beat, aiding memory and sleep, to allaying anxiety and depression. These nutrients are vital for:

Ingredients: 100% Pearl with signal protein, Other Ingrediants: None